Friday, April 25, 2008

Mysterious Ways

The kids are really getting into music, and not just the kind they see on PBS shows and such. They all have favorite songs that they hear on the radio. They mostly like some pretty iconic songs, from "I Love Rock and Roll" to "Oh, Sherry". In particular, Allegra loves "Mysterious Ways" by U2. She can even sing the chorus. It cracks me up when the song comes on and she starts singing it in her little girl voice.

The boys have been doing great at t-ball. They are the slowest on the team, but they are about average when it comes to catching, batting, and throwing. Their team is called "Blue Lightning", for whatever reason. It's an official Little League association. They also do something cool at the end of each game: each kid can go to the concession stand and get a free drink. Which means, 2 free sodas for Dad. Sweet. Their season goes through the end of May, so if you want to visit us and see them play, you better make it soon.

Tiger and Allegra are scheduled to get their tonsils out in early June.

Sydney is learning how to rock back-and-forth on all fours. Soon, she will be crawling. She is getting ticklish, too. She loves it when you blow raspberries on her belly. She also loves to be on her back, naked. She laughs and kicks her legs wildly. Sometimes, we just put her on her changing table and let her entertain herself for a few minutes.

We went to the boys' kindergarten orientation a few days ago. They have something like 6 kindergarten classrooms. But the boys are very excited and can't wait to start.

Work is going well. Even though I'm supposed to be more project-oriented, my boss has been having me handle the annual reviews and personnel matters instead of him. It feels kind of weird in that I'm not their direct supervisor, but I'm responsible for grading them. The plant manager introduced me out of a whole crowd of other associates to the President of the whole worldwide Danaher Tool Group the other day when El Jefe was on a plant tour. And I think I just found a project that could save the company nearly a million dollars a year, if it plays out like I think it will. I see good thing coming for the head of Team Gebhardt.

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