Monday, January 21, 2008

We made it, safe and sound

We're here in Charlotte without any major problems. The kids did great on the plane ride. I think they behaved so well because we separated T&R from each other. I sat between Allegra and Tiger and they both slept most of the trip. Erika sat between Rory and Sydney, both of whom kept her busy for most of the trip. All in all, the sticker book for Allegra and the plastic animals for the boys were great hits.

I had my first day at Danaher Tool Group today. They tell me that I will have 1 month of "immersion" where I'll be working all over the plant to get a feel for the plant, process, and culture. Today, they had a bunch of us put on Tyvek suits (think Marshmellow Man) and clean up 10+ years of sludge underneath one of the plating machines. We got maybe 1/4 done in 10 hours. My suit and everybody else's was covered in muck from head to toe. Fun stuff.

Erika took the kids to the museum today and got them all year passes. They loved it. Yesterday we spent over $900 at Costco and Target buying food and supplies that we had to leave behind. And we still need more.

Tomorrow we start our in-person search for a home. Wish us luck.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

We're moving to CHARLOTTE!

I can't believe it, and yet in 4 days we will be living in Charlotte, NC.

Monday, January 7, 2008